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Tomtom Latest Map Hack

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That is certainly an interesting idea. They had “Intel Inside”, so why not a similar advertisement campaign for devices that use the Linux kernel?Of course, I guess the issue is the lack of one large entity controlling and pushing to get the kernel into as many devices as possible. Intel had a whole advertising department that came up with and implemented the stickers.Best they could do with Linux would be to amend something onto the license. “All embedded devices using the Linux kernel must clearly display clever stickers.” Worth a shot.

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@7 — you’re almost there. You’re right in comparing it to “Intel Inside” — that was a brilliant campaign and set AMD back years. AMD did ultimately gain through a superior product line (at least briefly) but it took a long time.Intel Inside actually made consumers care about having a particular kind of processor when in fact it make no difference to 99% of them.The only place you lose me is when you want to amend the agreement to force the issue. I think if you did something a like a small, understated version of the penguin with a ‘built on linux’ slogan you could get plenty of volunteer compliance.